Looking Down


This is one of a series in this color scheme that can stand alone or be paired in a grouping to create a dynamic statement. Each one has its own story to tell. There may be future paintings in different sizes so sign up for my newsletter so that you can be sure to follow the progress.

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This is one of a series in this color scheme that can stand alone or be paired in a grouping to create a dynamic statement. Each one has its own story to tell. There may be future paintings in different sizes so sign up for my newsletter so that you can be sure to follow the progress.

This is one of a series in this color scheme that can stand alone or be paired in a grouping to create a dynamic statement. Each one has its own story to tell. There may be future paintings in different sizes so sign up for my newsletter so that you can be sure to follow the progress.

8”x8” Acrylic on wood, framed. no glass required.